17 May 2022 Twitter Drive

[bctt tweet=”Millions of Amharas denied of farming &/or robbed their food by TPLF wz support from ENDF officers’re waiting 2b supported & rehabilitated.”]

[bctt tweet=”General Tefera Mamo served his country and the Amhara Region tirelessly, even after repeated betrayal by those in power. He is betrayed once more in abducing him – by those who remained in power by his blood, sweat and tears. https://twitter.com/RoseGofa6/status/1526364347982917632/photo/1″]

[bctt tweet=”Report reaching us from Addis Ababa say former Amhara Regional Special Force Commander Brigadier General Tefera Mamo is arrested by Government Forces. His family said the general’s whereabouts is unknown. General Tefera has been critical of the Government recently #FreeTeferaMamo.” url=”no”]

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